As the lockdown occasioned by the dreaded COVID-19 pandemic persists, Alpha Circle Club of Nigeria has come to the rescue of 27 communities in Anambra, Imo and Enugu states with food items.

*Sir Dozie Eriobu posing with Chief-Udemezue President, Nnewi Improvement Union and other representatives of other town unions

The food item, comprises of noodles sourced from the Nnewi factory of Tummy Tummy Food Industries Limited, worth over ten million naira(N10 million).

Alpha Circle’s COVID-19 Palliative Committee which is chaired by the President of the club, Chief Romanus Orji (Ikeoha Agulu) with Chief Ben Amuta (Onowu Umudioka) and Sir Dozie Eriobu as members, took delivery of the 4000 cartons of noodles at the Tummy Tummy premises and distributed same, to the Presidents-General of the affected communities.

*The COVID -19 Palliative Committee members, Chief Romanus Orji, Chief Ben Amuta and Barr (Sir) Dozie Eriobu at the premises of Tummy Tummy Foods  while still observing  social distancing

Thebladengr.com gathered that the 27 communities covered, are the towns of origin of the club’s members.

The towns which are in Anambra, Imo and Enugu states include, Amichi, Nnewi, Ojoto, Ichi, Ozubulu, Ekwulobia, Alor, Awka Etiti, Uke, Okija, Orlu, Owerri, Mbieri, Achi, Nnobi, Agulu, Neni, Oraukwu, Igboukwu, Aguluezechukwu, Abba, Enugwu Ukwu, Umuokpu Awka, Umudioka, Ichida and Ideani.

*Committee members in a group photograph with Presidents-General of various Town Union and some of their representatives

The Presidents-General of the towns, were all present as the palliatives were allocated to them on Thursday, April 16th, 2020.

Alpha Circle Club of Nigeria founded in 1992 is a social club of people of like minds and diverse opinions. It is a social club that cherishes Charity work above other values.

*President-General of Agulu Town Union, Chief Andy Orakeru jealously guards his town’s allocation       

According to the president, Chief Romanus Orji (Ikeoha Agulu), “Alpha Circle Club of Nigeria members believe that the ability to live and make wealth comes from God, hence our reason of wanting to support the down trodden in our society. We do charity work towards every end of year, but have to quickly organise this one because of the COVID 19 pandemic and the pains that followed the government imposed lock down”, he explained.

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