By Ingram Osigwe

When did the Igbo become Beggar? Never! They are not and can never be. The can-do spirit every Igbo person possess, the inherent enterprising spirit in the Igbo do not allow such condescending attitude.

It is below the dignity of the Igbo to lay prostrate in utter grovel for crumbs when he or she has the unyielding spirit to hustle and survive.

However, the coming of COVID 19 has turned some privileged Igbo sons and daughters into agents of ridicule against their own people- portraying them as beggars or how else can one explain this penchant by such persons to employ all the instruments of the mainstream and social media to capture the handing out of COVID-19 palliatives to the needy?

Let me say it loud and clear here: philanthropy is not compulsory. Giveaway is not compulsory. No one is compelling anybody to give. But if you must give, do so quietly and silently and leave applause and commendation to God to do.

Don’t turn the art of giving or philanthropy into theatrics, a drama of the absurd by noisily advertising it on the social media. Doing so defeats the very essence of giving.

Whatever happens to the Biblical injunction to us never to let the right hand know what the left hand is giving?

God who bestows blessings and wealth does so silently but some recipients of these blessings and wealth are now trumpeting their philanthropy so as to receive undue attention, cheers and applause from the public. This is wrong.

The current viral picture of aged women, each lifting tuber of yam donated by one of such noisy philanthropists as COVID-19 palliatives tell a sickening story of how low and cruel some people have descended all in the bid to be in spotlight.

Can the character who subjected the aged women to such humiliating outing be proud enough to do the same to his own mother?

This piece is by no means discouraging philanthropic gestures to the needy in this very difficult period of global pandemic but let those who have decided to give do so anonymously without attracting attention.

ECHI DI IME! ( tomorrow is pregnant) is an Igbo aphorism. It underscores the fact that nobody can exactly predict the future. For example, who would have thought that sellers of hand sanitizers, disinfecting chemicals ,nose masks among others would suddenly become overnight millionaires.

Therefore, the sons and daughters of that old man, that old woman or that poor widow you subject to unwarranted publicity because you are doing giveaway could turn round to become a billionaire tomorrow.

So, my brothers and sisters, let’s continue to give but as Christ commanded us, let the right hand not know what the left is giving.

Let’s give anonymously, it is more edifying and mote spiritually fulfilling.

Umu Nnem, stay safe.

Enough of playing to the gallery, biko!

*Ingram Osigwe writes from Akokwa.

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