If you are a popular On Air Personality, OAP and video vixen, you certainly will be proud to sign a deal with a world class brand, one that is a skin Caregiver, as a brand Ambassador. If you are in doubt, ask Toke Makinwa.
Makinwa recently clinched a mouth watering deal with Fair and White and can’t stop testifying to the goodness of the brand. The event held in Lagos.

The Fair and White variant the delectable OAP will be representing globally is So White and she is ecstatic about it. Who wouldn’t be? She says So White is fittingly perfect for her skin, custom made for her skin type.
Hear Makinwa : “Looking for an avant-garde skin? Here’s an avant-garde brand that’s been around for soooo long, I grew up on it
“I am super excited to announce that finally I can partner with a skin care brand that is all inclusive, there’s every shade put into consideration with the Fair & White group, either you are a light, dark skin or a brown skin girl there’s something for you”
At the unveiling ceremony, Josephine Ugbode, Media representative/CSR spoke glowingly about the brand and the authenticity of its efficacy.
Guests and stakeholders agree that for women desirous of maintaining their natural beauty or achieving succulent and glamorous skin, Fair and White range of beauty product is ready panacea.

They testified that the brand has been proven over the years to be beauty companion and effective skin care giver.
Patrick Chibueze, Chairman/CEO of Bozac group, the sole marketers of Fair and White in Nigeria, on his part has one advice for Nigerian women and all those- men and women- who desire and cherish healthy, glowing skin: Embrace Fair and White and save your skin of the health implications of hydroquine laden beauty care brands which bleach, disfigure and discolour the skin.
Chibueze stated that in Fair and White, Bozac has given to Nigerians a brand that will stands the test of time.
Fair and White Gold comes in a complete line of 13 exceptional skincare, face and Body, day and night formulae for the contemporary Nigerian and African woman who desires the best skincare in the world.
Manufactured in France by Labo Derma beauty research facilities, Fair and White variants are specially formulated for all African skin types-from light, to chocolate and ebony, cutting across all skin textures and ethnic systems.
The variants cover special beauty treatments and formulae for cleansing and exfoliation , fading and brightening, as well as hydration and protective skincare treatments. They meet all skincare needs and challenges of the modern African woman.
The Fair and White Gold range are all formulated with organic ingredients and natural emollients, which cleanses tones, rejuvenates and protect the African Woman’s skin, revealing its natural beauty and sheen and keeping it fresh and supple despite harsh weather conditions and ultraviolet radiation.
Over the years, consumers have increasingly put more trust in the brand as they are produced in strict compliance with France and European standards.
The unveiling ceremony attracted select media and marketing communication personalities, including Mr Steve Nwosu, publisher Xpress Newspaper, Clara Okoro of Brandworld TV and Media adviser, Bozac Continental Ltd, Ingram Osigwe.