By Mazi Omife I. Omife

Whoever it is that arrested Prophet Onyeze Jesus should also be arrested.

Just imagine! Here was a man of God who fixed a date – 28th January – just a few days ago and announced it to the whole as the day he would visit Onitsha mortuaries in Anambra State and raise seven dead people to life! Just like Jesus did. Even Jesus never raised as many as seven people from the dead in one day, even though he had the power do so.

Perhaps, this should not surprise anybody. As the name sounds, ‘Onye Eze’ is a king in Igbo land, implying that the prophet is greater than Jesus! Yet, the Nigerian police were not afraid to arrest him. It was just like arresting God. And just 24 hours before the big day.

Imagine the joy and high expectations of thousands of relatives and friends who have the bodies of their loved ones in the hospital mortuary at the chance of their relatives being among the 7 lucky people to come back to life.

Somebody even told me that many of these relatives had already arrived Onitsha from all parts of the country, some even beyond, while many others were keeping vigil around the hospital waiting for the D-day. Only for the police to arrest Prophet Onye Eze a few days before that day, dashing the joy and hope of thousands of people. What a wicked world!

I am quite sure that the prophet would have raised more than seven corpses to life on that day. There is no way he would not have been moved at the sight of hundreds of corpses in the mortuary and the cries of their relatives. But just look at what the police has done.

It is even likely that after  raising people from the mortuary, the prophet would have advanced to raising people from the graves. Every community in Anambra State, starting from Nkpor, his home town (charity begins at home) will then be turned to a festive mood as their long dead relatives come back to life. But just look at what the police has done.


That was why I was among the people praying seriously for the success of Prophet Onye Eze Jesus operation-raise-the-dead. Probably, I would have been among those to gain from this. I would be happy to meet my late father, my late mother and my late siblings and know how they have been faring under the earth.

My father died younger than I am now, at the age of 40 years. I wonder if he would still recognize me now that I am older than him when he died. Or whether he was also aging in the grave and whether I would still recognize him. Just look at what the police has done.

Happily, I have just heard that  the prophet has been released. This is an opportunity for the leaders of Christian Association of Nigeria to arrange to visit Prophet Onyeze Jesus and beg him to train more people in the art of mass raising of the dead, so that in the event of the prophet being arrested again, there will be other men of God to continue the Ministry of raising the dead.

I suggest that Nigerians should also beg the prophet to raise past leaders like Murtala Mohammed to help find solution to kidnapping and banditry and other social ills facing the country. I would have suggested the same for Zik, Awolowo and Ahamadu Bello but for the fact that some ethnic nationalities may bring tribalism into it.

One thing I like Prophet Onye Eze for is that he is not among the prosperity preachers and does not ask his congregation to pay tithe or seed money. He only  boasts of making people millionaires. 

And instead of asking people to pay  tithes and seed money like other pastors, he asks for a ram from each of his adherents. He then sprays 1,000 in 50 naira denominations across the river as sacrifice to agbala. Later on, the notes are retrieved by unnamed agents, probably mammy water.

That reminds me. It may be a good idea for the Anambra State government to help the prophet to establish a larger  church to accommodate more millionaire candidates. If every community in Anambra State. again starting from Nkpor, gets 10 millionaires everyday,  that will translate to 300 millionaires every month per community. Imagine what it will be in one year.

That means that the State government will have no need to spend any money for community development or continue the 20 million ‘Choose Your Project’ fund which the Obiano administration gives every year to each of the  181 communities in Anambra State as every community will be self sufficient.

It also means that we will have less touts, pickpockets and other criminals and more millionaires in Anambra State. The State government may also consider asking security agents to desist from harassing motor conductors in the State, since any of them could rise to become millionaire creators tomorrow, just like their former colleague, Prophet Onye Eze Jesus.

Even the churches should take a cue from Prophet Onye Eze and understudy his strategy so we can create more millionaires all around. The more the merrier.

Meanwhile I advise Prophet Onye Eze Jesus to enlarge his titles to befit a man of God greater than Jesus himself by adding professor after prophet, and also adding Most Reverend, Doctor, Archbishop, and even General Overseer.

His full names will now be Most Reverend Professor, Dr. Prophet Onyeze Jesus, Archbishop and General Overseer of Onye Eze Jesus Raise The Dead Ministry Inc.

The State government should also consider recommending Prophet Onyeze Jesus for Nigerian national honours award of GCFR.

In the light of the foregoing, the recent arrest of Prophet Onye Eze by the police stands misplaced and the IG of Police should apologize to him and the whole nation.

What do you think?

*Mazi Omife I. Omife

Mbuze Mbaukwu

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