Registrations for the 2021 IBB Junior Open Championship have crossed the 100 mark with registrations recorded daily.
Participants have registered from different parts of Nigeria.
Open to young female and male golf players of ages 7-18, the Championship is organised annually by the IBB Ladies Section of IBB International Golf and Country Club in Abuja.
Preparations are closing up to the start date of August 11 for the international standard Open championship which will end on the 13th.
Prize presentation is slated for the last day of play by 3pm.
The tournament is listed on the World Amateur Golf Ranking Calendar consequently it will be played to International standards.
If ranked by WAGR, winners of the IBB Junior Open Golf Championship can register to play in international events and earn Ranking points.
Lady Captain MaryRose Richard-Obioha and the IBB Ladies committee members will receive participants at the club on August 10.