By Mava. John Joshua

The movie, Gangs Of Lagos, has generated a lot of controversies since its official release about a month ago especially with its controversial political and cultural theme which many believe was targeted at a strong political figure that was portrayed in the character of ‘Olorogun’ as well as the use of Eyo masquerade as a criminal enterprise.

However, the 2023 big budget movie(big budget in the Nigerian Nollywood context) that has garnered a lot of rave reviews and accolades is not without its low points anyways.

This film portrays the lifestyle of Eko(Lagos) itself, it broke all traditions, and though with some segments portraying almost what happens in the daily life of an average Lagosian and will probably require that Lagos might need to work on those exposes to bring sanity to its people for peaceful coexistence.

The opening of Gangs of Lagos was attention gripping, intriguing and breathtaking with a lot of suspense, a welcome departure from Nollywood movie status quo. It begins with minors involved in a criminal act, brothers-from-the-streets; a typical picture of the lifestyle of the area of Lagos called “Isale Eko”

Furthermore, it pictures an organized crime syndicate of the kind that one may have seen or heard about concerning Lagos.

The climax of the film is the street politics that controls the lives of the people in the community and Lagos at large. Gangs “Agberos” are the real power brokers on the streets, and the residents here have to know their position and follow their rules if they want a quiet life.

The use of Lagos Island and its cultural elements, the “EYO” masquerade has made the Lagos government frown at the movie and has distanced itself from the almost negative light the movie has portrayed the state, its culture and people.

But on a flip side, in many Hollywood Mafia films, especially in Mario Puzo’s Godfather(3), an assassin was made to wear cassocks and he committed heinous crimes in that garb, so, why the hue and cry over the use of Eyo masquerade attires by Obalola’s gangs to assassinate Olorogun and his gangs at the burial ceremony of one of them that has got the Lagos state government among others miffed?

Gangs of Lagos is a fictional work of art, and even though, drama is an imitation of life, the producers can hide behind anything to push their thoughts, which was what they have done in the movie.

One of the low points in the movie aside the somewhat crowded plots at a point, was the portrayal of 1999 Lagos like it was in the 60s. The kind of cars shown in opening scene were older models, not 24 years ago.

All the same, Gangs of Lagos is a good score. Great acting, well choreographed fights and all.

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