By Al Humphrey Onyanabo

In the heart of Nigeria, a nation blessed with abundant resources and potential lies a ticking time bomb that could shatter the very fabric of society. Nigeria, once viewed as the giant of Africa, now stands on the verge of an unprecedented crisis. Its youth, the future of this great nation, are being pushed to the brink of despair by the staggering levels of unemployment plaguing the country.

Across every nook and cranny, from bustling city streets to the local hangouts, you will find throngs of young Nigerians languishing in the misery of joblessness. They wake up day after day, devoid of any source of income or hope. Their dreams are reduced to mere figments of imagination, shattered by the stark reality of their existence.

Instead of nurturing their talents and cultivating a prosperous future for themselves, these young men and women gather in pockets of desperation. They discuss music, sports, gambling, politics, and worst of all, they idolize their peers who have resorted to nefarious activities to acquire wealth.

Fraud and dark rituals have become the basis for their role models, creating a dangerous narrative where crime is glorified and righteousness is overshadowed. The embodiment of success and prosperity has shifted away from hard work and integrity towards shortcuts and devious means. This distorted worldview has permeated the very core of society, ensnaring countless impressionable minds.

For young women, the path to survival often leads to the grim world of prostitution. Bereft of options and inundated by societal pressures, they find themselves forced into a life of exploitation and degradation. As a nation, we can no longer turn a blind eye to the plight of our daughters who are being robbed of their innocence and future.

The alarming truth is that the number of unemployed and disillusioned youths is skyrocketing year after year. They are continually fed empty promises by self-serving politicians, who exploit their desperation for personal gain during election campaigns. Once the dust settles, these leaders abandon the very people who placed their trust in them, leaving despair and anger in their wake.

Leaders who should be role models instead siphon public funds into their private accounts, as if to mock the dreams and aspirations of the youth. They live lavish lifestyles, flaunting their ill-gotten wealth in the faces of those who suffer. This stark inequality and blatant disregard for the welfare of the masses is a volcano gathering steam, ready to erupt at any moment.

If urgent action is not taken, Nigeria stands on the precipice of complete social collapse. The danger lurking in the hearts of millions of jobless youths is not one to be underestimated. It is a time bomb waiting to explode, unleashing a wave of unrest and chaos that will be impossible to contain.

We implore our leaders to wake up from their slumber and recognize the imminent catastrophe that looms over our beloved nation. Solutions must be sought, not empty promises or token gestures, but actual measures to generate hope and opportunities for our youth. It is high time for the allocation of resources towards job creation, entrepreneurial development, and skills training.

Nigeria cannot afford to squander the talents and potential of its young generation. We must come together as a nation, irrespective of tribe, religion, or political affiliation, to forge a path towards a brighter future. The youth must be empowered and given the tools to bring about meaningful change, so that they may channel their energy and aspirations towards nation-building rather than self-destruction.

The time for action is now. We must address the root causes of unemployment and provide sustainable solutions. A nation cannot thrive when its youth are left to languish in the depths of hopelessness and despair. Nigeria, wake up and realize the lurking danger within millions of jobless youths. The fate of our nation depends on it.

*Al Humphrey Onyanabo ( the StoryTeller)

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