By Onyebuchi Ememanka

I have worked with a Governor before and so I know a few things about the workings of the Office of the Governor and his movements.

The Governor of a State is a very high public office that enjoys all paraphernalia of officialdom. A Governor doesn’t just wake up and embarks on any movement. Movements of the Governor are planned carefully. There are people whose careers are built around things like this.

Before a Governor moves, especially for official government business, certain things must be done.
There is something called Advance Party. This is a team from the Government House usually made up of Protocol Officers, Security Officers and at times, press men. The Director of Protocol, Government House leads this team. They usually go ahead of the Governor and they ensure that everything is set for the arrival of the Governor. They now communicate with the Governor’s Convoy before the Governor moves.

In the case of a visit to the House of Assembly, there is collaboration between the office of three Governor and that of the Speaker. Both sides must first agree on a suitable date and time for the visit. The Advance Party from the Government House will arrive the Assembly early in the morning and work with the Protocol team of the Speaker and the Clerk of the Assembly to put things in place.

The Security guys usually made up of men of the DSS and the Police will ensure that all security measures are in place and that it is safe for the Governor to come there.

The Governor will not move except the advance party confirms that all is set and well.
They must confirm that the House is ready to receive the Governor. They must see the members seated or at least hanging around waiting for the Governor to arrive.

So, I am I wondering…

1. Did an Advance Party from Government House, PH go ahead of the Governor to the House of Assembly?

2. Was there any official communication between the two offices of the Governor and the Speaker before the Governor left Government House?

3. Did Security men from the Governor’s Office go there to ensure that all was well for the Governor to come?

4. Does Governor Fubara have a Director of Protocol? Where was he this morning?

There is absolutely no way that the Protocol and Security Advance teams of the Governor will signal the Governor to leave Government House when they saw that the gate to the Assembly was locked.
Even if the gate was open, the Governor won’t come there except there is confirmation that the House Members are ready to receive him and his entourage.

There have been instances where the Governor cancels scheduled visits on account of adverse security reports.

If these were not done and the Governor just left Government House with his convoy with sirens blaring, then I come to the conclusion what Governor Fubara did this morning was nothing but CONTENT CREATION.

*Ururu Aja
Shadow Secretary, Waka Pass Actors Union, Borokiri branch.

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