By Ronke Apampa
It’s been a week since we received the shocking news of Pastor Mrs Ibidun Ighodalo’s demise. I can’t help but remember the last time I saw her at an event called “Praiseathon” organised by Bayelsa billionaire, politician and pastor, Keniebi Okoko and his beautiful wife, Ihuaku Okoko.
I was invited to this event by my Aunty Kofo who explained that it was a praise session to God at the Okoko’s residence in Ikoyi. I was reluctant to attend on that 30th November 2019 morning because I had just returned from a vigil and was desperate to catch some sleep. Looking back now, I’m happy I dragged myself to attend. It was the last time I saw Pastor Keniebi Okoko who passed on 14th April 2020 and my dear sister Pastor Ibiduni Ighodalo who left last Sunday 14th June 2020.
We arrived as Bukola Bekes ministered. The expansive mansion was filled with people from different walks of life. Rich and poor, we all gathered in this massive living room praising God. Aunty Kofo and I quickly found a nice spot by the main entrance.
I looked behind me and saw a familiar face kneeling down, lost in worship.. totally oblivious of those around her. It was Ibidun Ighodhalo. I couldn’t miss her lovely self, quietly tucked away, her presence loud enough to notice. As we progressed into the praise session our paths crossed and she served that signature hug everyone has been talking about with a beautiful smile. I asked about her family, especially her brother Dare who is my friend and had introduced us to each other years ago. Dare told me he’d like me to meet his very sweet sister.

I was invited to the Ighodalo’s residence in Ikoyi and we gisted like old friends. Her brother was right. Ibidun was a sweetheart. Kind, soft-spoken and easy going. She left an impression on everyone she came across. I also met her cute dogs. A while later when I wrote the treatment for my movie, bits of Ibidun I saw that day formed part of a character’s persona.
Praiseathon was awesome. It was the 4th edition in 2019 and featured Pst Nathaniel Bassey, Bukola Bekes and Joe Praiz. A variety of food was served to over 100 of us in attendance. We had more than enough to eat plus takeaway too. I was shocked to see people leave with various gifts, books, bags, shoes…name it. Everything was given to complete strangers. I marveled at such benevolence and wondered how many billionaires would open their doors to complete strangers whilst also giving out so much.
Just like Ibidun, Keniebi’s generosity was felt by many and he impacted a lot of people in such a short time. They both had two children, a male and a female. They had so much love to give and had an impeccable taste.
Bible says you cannot say you love God that you don’t see yet don’t love people that you see. I wondered why people who are not as successful as the Okoko’s and Ighodalos would be so full of pride and think the world rotates around them.
Mrs Ihuaku Okoko became my friend after that day of Praise in her home. We hit it off instantly and she would call from time to time to check on me.
She called me on April 6th to find out how I was recovering from Covid 19. Her husband playfully interrupted our chat, trying to put on an American accent. They both made me very happy. Sadly, he passed about a week after that conversation.
Pastor Keniebi and Ibidun were jewels of inestimable value to their family and loved ones.
I have been thinking about the fickleness of life and picked some lessons I’d like to share.
1, Life is a gift, cherish it. Do not take a single breath for granted. You DO NOT own it. It belongs to GOD Almighty.
2, It’s not about how long you live, it’s about how well and how impactful it was. Pastor Keniebi was 41years old, Pastor Ibidun was 39years old. People are talking about the impact these people made in their short but eventful lives. It’s so strange they lived like they were older, and were both full of wisdom.
3, Giving is a characteristic of Godliness. Bible says for God so loved the world that HE gave… If you are a child of God, be like our Father in Heaven and Give. Don’t wait until you are a billionaire. Give like the widow who gave her mite.
4, Humility is one of the keys to God’s heart. God despises the proud. These two were humble enough to allow “ordinary” people into their lives. How many of us can do this if we are as privileged as they were?
5, They both had personal struggles like we all do but they never allowed that to deter them from helping others. Some of us use our issues as an excuse not to help.
6, They were unashamedly in love with their spouses. Their spouses also gave back the same measure of love. If you have ever been around the Okokos and Ighodalos you will love LOVE!!!
7, Whatsoever you sow you shall reap. These two jewels sowed love into people’s lives and they reaped love when they passed. This last week has taught me a great lesson on love. People who never met Ibidun talked about the love she radiates.
Finally, always remember that death is inevitable. We all pray to live long. However, it is not about how or when a person dies. What matters is where the person ends up. If money could buy life, the Okokos and the Ighodalos would spend ALL to have their loved ones back. These two had what money can never buy, they knew Christ.
What are you chasing my brother, my sister? Do you know Christ? What legacy are you leaving when you transition? Where are you going?
As Christians, this is why we do not mourn like those who do not have hope. We are assured of eternal life in Christ and know that very soon we will meet to part no more if we surrender our lives to God. Death is only a transition, our earthly bodies die and we are given a new body like Jesus when He resurrected on the third day.
The good news is that this meeting will happen very soon because Jesus is coming back. The bad news is that if you are not born again, you will be condemned to eternal damnation. The choice is yours my brother and sister, today is the day of salvation. Tomorrow may be too late. If you are not sure where you will be heading to, please say this short prayer with me.
“Heavenly Father, please forgive me of all my sins. I repent and accept Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and saviour. Please have Mercy on me and come into my life.”
Dear Friend, congratulations. You are now born again. Welcome to the great body of Christ. Ask God to fill you with the HOLY SPIRIT who will teach and guide you. Study the word of God and live a life of righteousness. This is the best decision you have ever made. I celebrate you!!!
For now, I cherish the beautiful memory I have of Pastors Keniebi Okoko and Ibiduni Ighodalo dancing at Praiseathon. I am grateful to God we met. I pray the Holy Spirit will continue to comfort the Okokos, the Ighodalos, the Ajayis and everyone who has suffered a loss. Please click and listen to Comforter by Cece Winans. God bless and keep us all in Jesus’ name. I LOVE you!!!
#Comforter#Transition#Love#Deborahsark#Christiscomingsoon #BeginningoftheEnd#Salvation#Rapture#IslayforChrist#IamDeborah #Deborahdebeellionaire#Endtimesoldier#Mercy#Godmade#Jesusiscomingsoon #Repent#HolySpirit#JesusChristismyLordandsaviour#Godisreal#Prepare #Bornagain#Heavenisreal#Areyouready#Endtime#Okokos#Ighodalos #Trinityhouse
*Copied from Ronke Apampa’s Facebook Page