All is now set for the rites of passage of Ezinne Bridget Orieukwu Igboanuzue, the mother of the President of the Auto Spare Parts and Machinery Dealers Association, ASPAMDA, Lagos. A devout Christian, community leader and a business woman, the late Ezinne Igboanuzue (nee Obaa), died at 90 having lived a fulfilled life. She left behind highly successful children, grandchildren and great grand children, including Capt Rowland Igboanuzue, High Chief Chidolue Igboanuzue (Ifeadikanwanne Oraifite) Chairman, Yorkville Sounds Ltd and Sir Sunny Igboanuzue, (Ezechedolu Oraifite), PG Oraifite and President, ASPAMDA Lagos.…
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