The Director General of Senator Jarigbe Campaign Organization, Dr. Dorn Cklaimz Enamhe, has implored Governor Ben Ayade of Cross River State to diversify his energies from fabricating video clips on social media about his white elephant projects to getting his numerous moribund industries running as claimed.

*Dr. Dorn Claimz Enamhe

Enamhe, who spoke with our correspondent via telephone, described as malicious the perennial habit of leading notable Cross Riverians to inspect moribund industries fitted with hired equipment with the mischievous intention of doctoring such videos for deceitful purposes and earning credibility especially through social media.

The Senator Jarigbe Campaign Organization DG who was reacting to a viral video which quoted him eulogizing Governor Ben Ayade over the controversial Ogoja Rice Mill, said the trending video was doctored to score cheap political points.

According to him, “I was invited three months ago along other selected stakeholders from the Northern Senatorial District for an on-the-spot assessment of the Ogoja Rice Mill and to proffer the way forward having been sealed up for years.

“I applauded the vision but raised concern over pre-arranged bags awaiting sealing by strange faces parading as workers. I also cited glaring lapses including the absence of power supply, lack of water and the alarming distance from the source of raw materials for production and other issues which were supposed to be addressed from inception in the feasibility report of the project.

“Unknown to me that the film tricks acted at the rice seedlings plant in Calabar where they hired equipment from the United States to deceive even President Buhari was being replicated.

“Issues I raised there have been edited out of the video in circulation. Even after circulating the video, the Ogoja rice mill is not producing neither is Ogoja rice found in the market anywhere in the North. Sharing video does not mean the mill is in production.

“I challenge those who shared the video to also share a video of Ogoja mill in production and packaging the rice for our consumption.

 “I also challenge the Governor to open these glorified warehouses christened as industries for inspection by Nigerians instead of the social media gimmicks. Let us see the products from the so-called over 20 factories in the markets. These industries include Ultra Modern Rice Seedling plant in Calabar, Kissimie noodles, toothpick, Cross River State Chilene Proceasing factory (Calachika) in Calabar, Calapharm, Pile and Pylons in Akamkpa, Banana plantation in Odukpani, Roofing tiles factory in Ogoja, Cross River State ToothPick factory in Yakurr,  and factory in Bekwarra,  This is my humble request to my Governor.”

Lamenting on the plight of workers in the state, the University Don said: “I can’t  understand why pensioners are dying under his government due to untold hardship arising from irregular payment of their entitlements by the state government. 

“It’s appalling that the massive onslaught on our forest reserves across the state is taking place under Ayade’s watch. It gives credence to the growing insinuations the abandoned super highway was conceived as a dummy to defrost our globally acknowledged forest endowments for personal gains”

On the Senate contest between Senator Jarigbe and the Governor , Enamhe stated that Senator Jarigbe has nothing to worry about given the impact he has created in the area just within a year.

“The projects, human capacity development and other initiatives intended to better the lot of our people facilitated by the two protagonists will determine the outcome of the election. We are defeating Ayade before 12noon

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