By Rev. Fr. John Oluoma

I chaired a meeting. After the minutes was read, corrected and adopted, we moved to matters arising. After we exhausted the first issue, I said: “our next agenda in the meeting is finance”.

While the knowledgeable people at the meeting grimaced, the ignorant ones noticed nothing while I continued with my “executive blooper”. After announcing the fourth agenda in same meeting, one of the knowledgeable guys who couldn’t bear it anymore raised his hand in exasperation and said “Mr chairman, there’s only one agenda in a meeting, the rest are items on the agenda”. I got the gist, and hopefully the rest of the guys in my ignorance league did.

Donald Trump is the POTUS. He said America will officially operate two genders; male and female, going forward. This is soothing for many of us who have always wondered at the multiple genders espoused by some persons in America and other European countries. It got to the point that some persons were teaching children to choose what they want to be rather than what nature has biologically assigned to them through genitalia.

It went to the crazy level of some identifying as anything that fascinates them. You see a full grown adult male and he tells you he is to be identified as woman or cat or even car. We watched as the obvious madness kept expanding. A woman with all the biological organs of a woman tells everyone that she identifies as a man or ‘them’ or something totally ridiculous. Some people cheered this weirdness, others stood aloft, while a few cried out against it.

You just couldn’t but wonder what agenda these new genders and their promoters were introducing for humanity. The bible said God made them male and female, and there upon set up an agenda for the human race. Nature and biology concurred. Each gender was to take up items from the agenda and execute for the good of all.

For all of the recorded and conceivable history of humanity, the divine and natural agenda for humanity through the two gendas trudged on until recently, certain people woke up to hijack the meeting and instead of following the time tested items on the agenda, were surreptitiously introducing strange agendas and many ignorantly thought they were just following the items on the agenda.

If the champions of the new genders had made their business private and never resorted to using subtle political and media tactics to force everyone to accept their agenda, even using schools and public services to recruit people into their cycle, many of us wouldn’t have bothered.

Trump and Elon Musk understood the danger of people who were saying “next agenda” instead of reading out the next item on the agenda. Elon Musk is a victim of what Trump is fighting against. You can find details of this in Charles Awuzie’s page.

While I heartily and happily welcome Trump’s reintroduction of the item on the agenda for humanity through the two gendas, i am not too excited about his presidency, just as I wasn’t about Biden’s. Barrack Obama taught me this hard lesson. Sometimes we get too excited over issues we should somberly reflect on. Beyond this gender item, Trump’s agenda as a president has been set by the American Constitution, and it will be for Americans.

If any of the items he chooses to implement as the one chairing the American meeting favors Nigeria or any other country, it will be a mere crumb falling from the table of America’s diet. In fact, majority of his policies might even have adverse effect on us.

On this, we can’t begrudge him, he was elected for America by Americans, why should we expect him to make Nigeria or any other country his priority? This is why we must pay attention more to forming a good agenda for our own country, an agenda whose items any president must stick to for the good of Nigerians.

I dare say that Nigeria doesn’t have a well thought out agenda yet. Every administration seem to come with new agendas, often throwing the country into a strangulating cycle of new beginnings. Until we have a country with a robust constitutionally set agenda, we wouldn’t know when a president is using us to pursue his own agenda. We wouldn’t even know the difference between the agenda of a meeting and items on the agenda.

*My name is Fada Oluoma, and like Charles Awuzie, I write out of conviction to evoke introspection.

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