BXY may not be your very regular music act. But he has paid his dues and can hold his own before and among every other accomplished artiste of his generation.

Having pushed out several numbers in the hip-hop and afro-fused direction, BXY (real name Bisoye), has rigged up a new production cum recording studio christened 007 Entertainment from where he is poised to unleash his brand new single entitled Body Heat.

“Body Heat” is a song accompanied by gusty instrumentation; cluster of tightly knitted percussion, heavy string lines as well as irresistible rhythm.

BXY revealed that the single would be out by the second week of June on 007 Entertainment music label.

While he was in the studio putting finishing touches to the up-coming single, BXY hinted that he had made progress in work on an impending Extended Play (EP) which would include “Body Heat” as well as such other singles as “Murder Them” and more.

Before now, BXY had sojourned in Ghana where his art in music was honed, leading to his release of a number of hits that made waves.

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